Freitag, 12. April 2013

...early birds catch the worms...

Getting up far to early to fix some problems with the technique. I could not solve them but at least I found a good way to transform AVI into MP4 from 1,1 GB to 80 MB :)
There is still the cutting mistake inside but I had no time to do it again because the rendering needs so much time with the old programme on my computer. Anyway I was quite satisfied with the music and cutting. 
We presented our concept, graphics and video to our professor. Its always hard to say whats his opinion about our work. He seems to be happy with everything. Maybe our work is really good but it feels a bit strange to get little critical feedback or feedback at all. 
We arranged a deadline for our individual work and also fixed a day when we'll travel to Pori. Maybe we'll be able to present our video to a small audience there. I think this would be great to get some feedback. 

After we left the history departement we went to the school of economics and had some coffee/tea there. I also tried some sour milk thing which was slimy  but not so bad at all. I had had no time for breakfast in the morning because I tried to fix the issues with the software. 
We discussed further steps. There is a contest in the CHIEF-forum which fits like the fist on the eye to our tracker and we want to participate with it. We told again about the division of labour. Some of the things have to be done till monday to present our project to Kimi Kärki as well others should be done soon but there is no concrete deadline. 
Ill try to continue with the cutting. First I have to check if I can install the CS5 Mastersuite on Ninas Laptop. I hope it will work. I also will try to transform some snapshots out of the video sequences to a cool comic storyboard and will have a look at our blog too. Thomas and I also arranged a meeting for tomorrow to do a Prezi for monday and continue working on the graphics.

stay tuned :)

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